Don't worry - you can edit a template once it is already published. We recommend you do it with caution though, because it will affect everyone who is currently using your template. To edit a published template:

  1.  Click the details link next to the template name 
  2. Click the 'edit' link in the details area 
  3. Edit your template 
  4. Re-publish your template by clicking "Publish" either from within edit mode or from your Design Studio 

Important: While you are in edit mode, we save the changes separately so as to not disturb existing customers with your template design. Once you Publish your new changes, your previous design will be overwritten. Internet browsers cache webpages constantly, so users may not see the changes until they do a hard refresh of a page (clicking the refresh button in their browser), or until their browser requests a fresh copy of the page (sometimes up to a day).